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Change for the better isn't just happening to youth and's happening through them.
Over 20 Years of Experience Creating
Effective Behavioral Change Strategies for Youth, Schools, and Communities.


History has taught us that if change for the better is going to happen, it can’t just happen to young people; it must happen through them. Our philosophy is that engaging and empowering young people to become actively involved in community impact happens when a strong sense of Connection, Competency, and Contribution occurs.
Youth & Community Mobilization
Anchor 1
The Wellness
Tune Up!

The following are free resources that you can print, reproduce, pass on to others, and use in whatever manner works best for you and / or your program. Let us know if you have any questions or need anything else.

Mentor/Mentee Handbook
Digital Responsibility Plan
How to Keep a Crisis from Becoming a Catastrophe
Learning to Thrive: Experiencing Life to the Fullest in a Healthy, Positive, and Productive Way
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